Wenny Kathe, The Facts of Titanic Survivor found 79 years after ship Sank!

Wenny Kathe is Titanic's passenger name which found in the iceberg around North Atlantic. Based on the news, Wenny Kathe found on 24 September 1990 and hadn't aged a day since 1912. The news about Wenny Kathe discovery makes the time tunnel theory popular.

If you try to write the name Wenny Kathe on Google, you will find the first page article about discovery of newest 2 titanic survivor which is Captain Smith and Wenny Kathe. The weird interesting thing is they are hadn't aged since the Titanic sinking tragedy about 100 years ago. Captain Smith still looks like 60 years old and Wenny Kathe looks 29 years old. Is this story True?

The Facts of Wenny Kathe


The facts is Wenny Kathe just a fictional. This hoax story begin when the Weekly World News, June 1992 edition released. The Magazines state the name of Winnie Coutts and Captain Smith. Winnie Coutts is the original Titanic survivor and Captain Smith is the original Titanic Captain which drown with the Titanic. On the article, Weekly World News change the name of Winnie Coutts to Wenny Kathe. The purpose is unclear, many people think they just try to raise the rating. 
Winnie Coutts herself is already dead on 1960, specifically when her 84's birthday.
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